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Showing posts from June 9, 2018

Broke up

For your information, I had my first boyfriend last year. He is a friend of mine, a close friend when he suddenly confessed that he likes me. As you can see, after the incidents with the guy name Shen, I didnt really pour out my whole heart to anyone, especially to my close friend. But then, he asked me whether i should give him a chance and just give it a try. I still haven't made my mind, but my little mind said ," grab the chance and experience love " . I've been rejecting my guy friends before this and after it happened,they stopped being friends with me. And I dont want the same things to happen during in the relationship. Plus, he stated that we can just break up and stay being friends if it didnt work out.  Few days later, I said I agreed since he said those words. Indeed, he is really a good guy but .. Idk how should I say this. He is too scare to tell the world that we are a couple. And for me, I rather keep this relationship shut, only my close friends k